
Did one of PosiPup’s training services stand out to you? Before we begin working together, all private training sessions must first start with a free, thirty-minute virtual consultation.

FREE Virtual Consultation (Phone or Google Meet) – up to 30 minutes

Not sure if you want to commit? 

During our free, thirty-minute virtual consultation, I’ll get to know you and your pup by discussing your goals and any specific challenges you’re facing. From there, we’ll talk about PosiPup’s training services, positive reinforcement, your level of familiarity with marker training, and what I expect from each member of the household to ensure progress. We want everyone to be on the same page and train with consistency, creating an environment where your pup can thrive and be successful. If you like what you hear in our virtual consultation, I will email a client-intake form and we can schedule an in-person consultation!

In-Person Consultation* – up to 1.5 hours – $120

Have we already connected through a virtual consultation? If yes, and you are ready to take the next step, our in-person consultations come complete with immediate solutions to common behavior problems. Whether it’s jumping up on guests, excessive barking at the window, or leash pulling, we’ll equip you with practical management strategies to address these issues right away. We’ll discuss your training goals, expectations, and your dog’s needs, and I’ll create a customized training plan that suits both of you. By the end of our consultation, you’ll have a clear roadmap to the goal behavior you have for your pup. Once we’ve set the stage for success during the consultation, I’ll assign some homework and we’ll schedule your first training session.

*A client-intake form must be completed before we can set a date for our consultation. I also encourage each person in the household that will be interacting with your pup to be involved during the time I am there.